How To Know If Your Dog Is Overweight?

Weight problems in pets can lead to the same health problems that they do in humans, such as diabetes, kidney problems, cancer, arthritis, and high blood pressure. The problem is that many pet parents are unsure how to tell if their dog is overweight. That is, until now. 

We have made this checklist to help you determine the signs if your pet is at a healthy weight or needs assistance.

It’s All About The Weight 

Dogs come in many forms and sizes, your dog’s real weight might easily mislead you into believing he is thin or overweight when he is not. Each breed, like each person, is unique. So don’t be alarmed if the figure on the scale when you weigh your dog at home appears to be rather large. Instead, get a chart from your veterinarian or check online what your dog’s appropriate weight should be based on his breed, height, and age. 

Your dog is overweight if he is 5 to 19 percent heavier than he should be. A small change in his routine and diet can have a significant influence on his entire health. If he is 20% heavier than average, more drastic treatments may be required. Please check your veterinarian before making any drastic changes to ensure that you are not endangering your dog’s health in your sincere efforts to help him.


Dog is Overweight

The Rib Test

If you’re unsure whether or not your dog is overweight, the rib test is a wonderful way to find out. Touch his flanks and abdomen with your hands. You should be able to feel the ribs on an ideal-weight dog, if you can’t locate them, if you can’t feel them through your dog’s fat, it’s time to adjust his diet and encourage him to exercise.


Dog is Overweight

Notice the Abdomen

If your dog’s form should be broader at the chest and slimmer at the abdomen when viewed from the side. An abdominal tuck is required. If your dog’s body form resembles a tube, or worse, if the tummy is prominent, it’s an indication he’s overweight.




Dog is Overweight

The Waist Check

You should be able to see your dog’s waist while looking at him from above. A general hourglass form should be present. You should take steps to improve your dog’s health if the figure is straight or broader at the waist.




Ways To Help Your Dog Lose Weight

  • Empty calories, or calories that have no nutritional value, build up rapidly. Choose a comprehensive and balanced meal and eliminate all excess calories
  • Table scraps should be avoided at all costs.
  • Treats should be limited (no more than 10 percent of daily calories)
  • Feed foods that are nutritionally balanced.
  • Consider a good weight-loss meal for your dog or cat.
  • Together with your veterinarian, create a holistic nutrition plan.

If you believe your dog is overweight after noticing these signs, please take the necessary steps as soon as possible. It’s important to remember that it’s never too late. Small modifications in your dog’s routine can have a big impact. Consult your veterinarian, cut down on your dog’s portions, and encourage him to play outside or go for walks regularly s. What’s more, you know what? You will benefit from all of this too. Not only will your dog be fitter and have more energy, but so will you!